When can I return to the salt?

A week in Xcalak, Mexico and I still have sea legs from an unforgettable experience with The Xflats lodge (https://thexflats.com/). Humbled is the best word I describe for a week in the salt. I’ve never seen such an abundance of life in one place. Barracuda, jacks, tarpon, snook, yellow tail, permit, sting rays, needle fish, sharks, bone fish, and the list goes on.

My hunger for the black tailed beauties known as permit continues after pursuing them and running into frustration but at the same time, pure joy, hunting and sight fishing for these wild looking and amazing fish. After tons of shots and a few missed eats, the clock ran out and we had to return to the dock for the end of the day. But as many will say, it’s called fishing for a reason. It will always keep me coming back till the day I die.